Wednesday, November 14, 2018

November 2018

Hi all!

I hope everyone is doing well and settled back okay after the midterm. I am looking forward to the rest of the term and all of the amazing work the children will take part in. They are a super group and I have been really impressed with the work they have produced so far, keep it up!

Energy and Energy Conservation Workshop

Last week, the children had the pleasure of taking part in a workshop with Will from Brigid's Garden. He spoke to the children about energy - Where does it come from? What types of energy are there? 
Will also drew the children's attention to the importance of trying to use renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, as they are much better for the environment than fossil fuels like coal and petrol.

Will showed the children a really interesting experiment where he used the acid inside citric fruit to light a bulb! They also took part in a human-sized board game where they had to answer questions on energy to gain points. Everyone did very well. 


Last week and this week the children are studying fractions. We have looked at a range of different fractions and discussed where we might see/use them every day, for example, telling the time - half past 2. 

We have in particular looked at the idea of 'equivalence.' The children have worked together to find fractions that are equal to each other like one half and two quarters. I am delighted to say they are all working hard and doing well. Great job everyone!


Just before the break the children worked in their groups to create projects based ona given Irish animal. The Reds had the Otter, the Oranges had the Red Squirrel, the Blues had the Fox, the Greens had the Red Deer, the Yellows had the Badger and the Purples had the Irish Hare.

The children divided up the topics for each animal amongst themselves and they had to go home to research it. The areas included the habitat, diet and appearance of the animals. 

They all produced wonderful projects with brilliant images and handwriting. They were a great first go at collaborative project work.

Once again, well done to everyone on the work we have accomplished this far and I am looking forward to all of the brilliant things we'll do this term.

Wishing you all the best for the year agus beannacht Dé orthu.